Thank you all for watching my filmmaking exploits and offering your support and encouragement! It truly is my dream to finish this movie and share my real-life lessons and experiences as encouragement for your own pursuits! Your responses have been my inspiration, and though it is awkward to accept your help, I’ve finally been swayed. Thank you for visiting this site and hearing the heart behind the humor.

Humbly yours, CIF guy


The donated funds will go into paying back a loan from my father (CIFpop) who is currently funding our DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE. The development package includes the creation of a fully animated scene, character and location designs, and CG animated character tests.

CIFpop is pulling the funds from his line of credit. Unfortunately, this means that his house is being used for the loan collateral (yes, he could potentially lose his house). However, we are both convinced that with my growing fan-base, and your continued support, this movie will come to fruition, and in time make a significant profit that can pay back the loan.

In the meantime, we still need your support! By donating, you will help pay back this loan directly and ASAP to ease the burden on my pop!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


  1. CIFguy here, man! Here is the section where you can write whatever you want! If you have questions about the project, you can post them here and I'll answer as clear as I can! Heck...if you wanna pow-wow here and help figure out ways to spread the word -- AWESOME!!!

  2. Hey, I sent you a message on Youtube, not sure if you got it. Here it is:

    "Hi, been following your series since the beginning. After your last video, I have an idea. There's a social news site I visit regularly called reddit, and they've done many charitable things in the past, helping businesses and people alike. I personally have no money to give, but if reddit heard your story, I'm sure they would help you out. Maybe you could slip in an injoke if they REALLY help out, I dunno. But seriously, go to reddit.com and submit a link on the main page. Send me the link so I can upvote it, too ;)

    Best wished,

  3. Donations are coming in and it's really amazing. Of course...we have quite awhile before we reach our goal. And at the same time, I'm doing storyboards for the animatic for the scene we are planning to animate! Crazy, crazy, crazy. I tried REDDIT.COM...it looks a little confusing, but I'm on there. So vote there if you know how! Thanks.

  4. Hey,
    I had another thought for you. Not sure if you have come across this before or not but there is a website called kickstarter which could really help. http://www.kickstarter.com/ . The site itself pretty self-explanatory, so check it out. Hope it helps! Cheers!



Happy invisible butterflies MAY evoke a happy good feeling in your heart. If not, they may cause indigestion. Do not forget to feed happy invisible butterflies regularly to prevent apocalyptic swarms and global devastation. I do not know what happy invisible butterflies eat. My only guess is that it must also be invisible and somewhat “happy”. Perhaps something invisible and ”joyful” would suffice. Or maybe even invisible and “feeling blah”. But definitely nothing invisible and angry because that would most certainly irritate the happy invisible butterflies, and when that happens, you can kiss this movie (and mankind) good-bye. (2)Due to our ever-evolving technology, this DVD may become a Blu-Ray disc or perhaps a 100% online featurette. If technology excels further and DVD’s become obsolete because entertainment is distributed via brain-chip installation through mucus membrane transfusions, then this “Special Feature” will be included in that cyber-synthetic bio-electrode unless the implantation of the “Special Feature” coupled with the “Feature Presentation” causes brain damage. In that event, for your safety, you'll be sent a rusty old DVD and it’s up to you to find a DVD player (if they still exist). (3)Webisode appearance requires contributor to record him/herself. Footage will be sent directly to me so I can edit you into an official Confession! If you do not have the technical means to record yourself, or prefer not to appear in a ‘Confession’, the character sketch is really cool too. I’ll even sign it if you ask. (4)In addition to this, I can probably get my mom to send you a bag of her homemade beef jerky! It’s good. I’m probably eating some right now. (5)To forewarn you, my saliva may smell like beef jerky. (6)Or, I’ll have my mom make a lot of beef jerky.
* My movie is not yet part of a trilogy, but if you would like to donate the required amount, I will gladly create one.